Batang Ai Hydroelectric Plant Automation System Upgrade: Revised Dates Announced For Stage 2 And Stage 3
26 JULY 2024
From May to August 2024, Sarawak Energy is implementing a series of system upgrades to its Batang Ai Hydroelectric Plant (HEP) to streamline the power plant’s system to enable better management of power generation and water resources while enhancing the plant's efficiency and reliability.
The first stage of the system upgrading works for the automation project was undertaken over 17 to 21 May 2024 without affecting the local water supply. The plant successfully resumed operation of all four (4) generating units on 22 May 2024. During the upcoming planned shutdown, with lower water discharge from Batang Ai HEP, lower water levels downstream may potentially affect downstream water supply.
The planned shutdown for Stage 2 and 3 upgrades will now take place from 27 July to 8 August 2024 and 24 to 25 August 2024, to enhance the reliability of the plant and contribute to grid stability.
Following the completion of Stage 1, date adjustments were made for the subsequent stages to ensure that all necessary arrangements were thoroughly addressed prior to execution of the stages, to minimise any potential disruptions and inconvenience to customers.
During the Stage 2 and 3 upgrades, turbine operations will once again be temporarily suspended. The Cooling Water System and Fire Hydrant System will continue discharging minimal water for environmental flow (or minimum riparian flow) downstream. Sarawak Energy will also work with the Sarawak Rural Water Supply Department on alternative water supply solutions if necessary.
Sarawak Energy assures the neighbouring communities that all measures are in place to mitigate any impact on the power supply. Alternative arrangements and backup power sources will also be utilised to ensure continuous and reliable electricity supply throughout the shutdown period.
Sarawak Energy appreciates the understanding and cooperation of customers and stakeholders during this period to facilitate the smooth implementation of the automation project.

Sarawak Energy's commitment to digitalising and upgrading its generation infrastructures led to the completion of the first stage of the automation project in May 2024.

These upgrades are critical to maintaining the long-term operational efficiency and safety of the Batang Ai Hydroelectric Plant, which plays a vital role in Sarawak's energy infrastructure.