Sarawak Minister for Utility and Telecommunication Leads Working Visit to Sarawak Energy 33/11kV Asajaya Substation Kuching
11 FEBRUARY 2023
Sarawak Minister for Utility and Telecommunication, YB Datuk Haji Julaihi Haji Narawi led a working visit to Sarawak Energy’s 33/11kV Asajaya Substation in Kota Samarahan on Saturday, 11 February 2023. The 33/11kV Asajaya Substation was successfully commissioned on 30 December 2021. As development in the area continues to accelerate, the RM14.59 million distribution substation supports supply reliability and caters for increased load demand in Asajaya, Beliong, Sadong Jaya and nearby areas.
As an interim scheme, the 33/11kV Asajaya Substation is tapping supply from Kota Samarahan B substation while a permanent supply from the Ministry of Industrial Development or MID 33/11kV Substation via two 22km long 33kV underground cables system is scheduled to be ready by September 2023. This is expected to significantly improve supply reliability when the new underground cables are commissioned.
Other reinforcement projects in the area include the 11kV reinforcements at Tambirat and Asajaya.
With a total funding of RM5 million to improve supply reliability in Sebuyau, Sebangan, Sebuyau and nearby areas, ongoing projects such as the laying of 33kV underground cables from Serian to Gedong Junction for a dedicated line to Simunjan is being planned and is expected to be completed within the fourth quarter of 2023.
A 11kV reinforcement at the Munggu Lalang 33/11kV Substation is also planned and is targeted to start within the second quarter of 2023.
Datuk Julaihi was received by Sarawak Energy’s Vice President for Distribution, Ngu Piew Choo; Western Regional Manager, Nazry Haji Abdul Latip; General Manager for Research and Development, Dr. Ng Sing Muk and General Manager for Asset Management, Choo Min Chong.
Sarawak Energy’s Research and Development team, led by Dr. Ng, briefed Datuk Julaihi on the potential of exploring distributed generation as one of the alternatives to support the power system, development of robotic and autonomous systems, collaborations with external parties for security and condition monitoring of transmission lines, hydro lakes and other critical assets through the usage of drones; as well as exploring the potential of developing on-site power generation based on localised energy resources and the potential of microalgae as a new source of energy.
Besides infrastructure development projects to enhance the system, it is important for effective and efficient operation and maintenance of the grid lines to reduce power disruption” said Datuk Julaihi.
Sarawak Energy together with the Ministry will undertake pilot project in these areas by improving the grid system to comply with design practices and using technology to monitor its performance. The interruption data recorded will be compared with past data to identify any weaknesses and to find solutions to overcome the power interruptions.
“We are introducing a new measure known as MAIFI or momentary average interruption frequency index to monitor frequency of short transient interruptions for rural lines. With this measure, we can identify if the line performs satisfactorily” Datuk Julaihi added
Datuk Julaihi also thanked Sarawak Energy for spearheading the development and commissioning of the Asajaya 33kV/11kV Substation and the consistent support from the local community leaders.
Datuk Julaihi was joined by Deputy Minister for Utility and Telecommunication (Utility) Datuk Dr. Haji Abdul Rahman Bin Haji Junaidi; Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Utility and Telecommunication, Jafri Bin Lias; Director of Electricity Supply, Syed Mohammad Fauzi Shahab; Simunjan Assemblyman, Awla Dris; Sadong Jaya Assemblyman, Aidel Lariwoo; and Samarahan Office Deputy Resident, Haji Anuar Haji Da'an.