Sarawak Energy Recognises Contractors For Health, Safety, And Environmental Performance And Compliance
23 JUNE 2023
Sarawak Energy requires its contractors to fully comply with health, safety and environment (HSE) laws and regulations to deliver major projects with timely completion, cost discipline and adherence to quality specifications.
This message was emphasised tonight at Sarawak Energy's annual HSE Excellence Awards, where seven contractors were honoured with the Contractor EIA Compliance Award (CECA), and 32 contractors were acknowledged under the Contractor Transformation Programme (CTP).
Speaking at the event, Sarawak Energy Group Chief Executive Officer, Datu Haji Sharbini Suhaili praised the contractors for their dedication in fulfilling government mandated HSE requirements, thanking Sarawak Energy’s partner organisations for their commitment to the Group’s HSE initiatives.
“Tonight, we celebrate our contractors for their outstanding HSE performance, especially the CECA and CTP award recipients. Your unwavering dedication to our HSE practices has made a lasting impact on Sarawak Energy and our operations. We are grateful for your hard work and look forward to future opportunities for collaboration,” he said.
Datu Sharbini highlighted the importance of adhering to the best international practices in HSE to support the company’s aspirations of becoming a regional renewable energy powerhouse, saying “Through collaborative efforts with our contractors, we have been able to foster a strong culture of HSE Excellence within the company. This is imperative to realising our regional renewable energy powerhouse ambitions, as we strive to perform and deliver in accordance with international expectations and regulations.”
He added, “To ensure our ongoing progress in our HSE journey, we continuously benchmark our performance and practices against other best-in-class utilities and top-quartile multinational companies.”
Datu Sharbini reiterated the company’s zero tolerance for non-compliance to work policies, adding, "With full compliance to HSE regulations and legislations, we can eliminate stop-work orders and notices that delay projects. We have worked closely with our contractors to ensure that all project and operation sites comply with these requirements.”
“This spirit of collaboration and partnership has enabled us to achieve high levels of compliance in all major projects with a single exception – for which Sarawak Energy has taken punitive measures by removing a contractor’s project manager and exercised the payment deduction penalty provisions against the contractor early this year. It should also be noted that we recently revised our contract terms with higher quantum of penalties for non-compliance reflecting Sarawak Energy’s seriousness on the importance of HSE compliance,” he said.
Datu Sharbini also spoke on Sarawak Energy’s Erosion and Sediment Control Plan or ESCP Guideline, which was rolled out towards the end of last year to support the implementation of environmental best practices at its project sites and provide self-regulation mechanisms to guide its contractors.
He explained, “The document provides structured guidance on important principles, techniques, design aspects and technical calculations to help in-house ESCP reviewers assess ESCP reports. We have also revised the Environmental Management Guidelines for Construction Sites earlier this year to ensure our project team and contractors have structured procedures in place for environmental management.
Marconi Madai, Sarawak Energy’s Senior Vice President for Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) underlined the significance of CECA and CTP as crucial platforms for acknowledging contractors' valuable contributions in fostering an exceptional and proactive HSSE culture within an organisation.
“CECA primarily revolves around compliance with relevant environmental laws, environmental control as well as best management practices at a project site. Conversely, assessments for CTP covers an extensive number of HSE criteria – including legal compliance, policy, HSE Management Systems, fatality cases, Lost Time Injury records and best management practices.
“Through the comprehensive assessment criteria for CECA and CTP, Sarawak Energy has been able to encourage contractors to take greater accountability for their compliance with our HSE regulations and practices, leading them to implement self-regulating mechanisms in their respective activities at our project and operation sites,” he said.
Marconi also highlighted that Sarawak Energy maintains the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) of less than 1.0 at 0.329 for the organisation and emphasised that cooperation from all its contractors is imperative in achieving its aspiration to be the “Best in Class in HSSE”, with LTIFR referring to the number of lost time injuries occurring in a workplace per 1 million hours worked.
Sarawak Energy introduced CECA and CTP in 2017 to promote a culture of self-regulation in HSE compliance among its contractors involved in project implementation and operations. Although these programmes have been in place for six years since, this is only the second year that they are jointly organised under the Sarawak Energy HSE Excellence Award banner.
In 2022, more projects showed improvements in overall HSE performance under the CECA and CTP assessment module, which was reflected in the recent ratings. Notably more contractors managed to elevate their HSE compliance performance, demonstrating their commitment to continuous improvement.
For CECA 2022, contractors were jointly assessed by Sarawak Energy's internal assessors with senior officials from the Natural Resources and Environment Board (NREB) Sarawak and the Department of Environment (DoE) Sarawak. CTP 2022 was assessed by HSE assessors based on a HSE Assurance framework, which was developed together with the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Sarawak and DoE Sarawak.
Controller of Environmental Quality, Natural Resources and Environment Board (NREB) Sarawak, Jack Anak Liam; Director of the DoE Sarawak, John Anak Rampai; Director of DOSH Sarawak, Ir. Dr. Nor Halim Bin Hasan; and representatives from various authorities and agencies were amongst attending guests.
For CECA 2022, three (3) contractors were awarded gold, one (1) silver, two (2) bronze, and one (1) certificate of participation. Meanwhile, for CTP 2022, ten (10) contractors were awarded gold, thirteen (13) silver, six (6) bronze, and three (3) received certificates of participation.
CECA 2022 |
Gold Award (3) |
Silver Award (1) |
Bronze Award (2) |
Participation Certificate (1) |
CTP 2022 |
Gold Award (10) |
Silver Award (13) |
Bronze Award (6) |
Participation Certificate (3) |

Sarawak Energy's annual HSE Excellence Awards 2022

Speaking at the event, Sarawak Energy Group Chief Executive Officer, Datu Haji Sharbini Suhaili praised the contractors for their dedication in fulfilling government mandated HSE requirements, thanking Sarawak Energy’s partner organisations for their commitment to the Group’s HSE initiatives

Sarawak Energy Senior Vice President for Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE), Marconi Madai spoke at the event, underlining the significance of CECA and CTP as crucial platforms for acknowledging contractors' valuable contributions in fostering an exceptional and proactive HSSE culture within an organisation

Group photo with all the recipients of the awards at Sarawak Energy's annual HSE Excellence Awards 2022