National Security Council Sarawak Successfully Holds Full-Scale Simulation Drill at Batang Ai HEP with Sarawak Energy
21 MARCH 2023
The National Security Council or Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) Sarawak recently organised a full-scale emergency drill at the Batang Ai Hydroelectric Plant (Batang Ai HEP).
The three-day exercise on 14 to 16 March saw the involvement of over 500 participants from some 35 government departments and agencies, serving as an important assessment of the authorities’ and plant's readiness and ability to respond to any potential incident or disaster.
This is Sarawak Energy’s first full-scale physical simulation exercise with MKN. In 2019, MKN organised a desktop crisis simulation exercise with Sarawak Energy at the Bakun Hydroelectric Plant.
The drill, dubbed ‘Ex Red Tilapia 2023’, addressed simulated emergency and crisis scenarios in accordance with MKN’s directives ‘Arahan No.18’ (Pengurusan dan Pengendalian Krisis Keganasan), ‘Arahan No. 20’ (Pengurusan Bencana), and ‘Arahan No. 21’ (Pengurusan Ancaman Ketenteraman Awam).
Sarawak Energy’s employees were part of the mock emergency response exercise, working with emergency services personnel to neutralise a security breach and intrusion as well as bombing by role-players as terrorists at the facility.
The simulation saw the MKN crisis response team (comprising Sarawak Energy, police, armed forces, firefighters, Sri Aman Resident's office and the health ministry, among others) respond effectively to the intrusion, as well as organise an evacuation of plant workers and nearby residents.
The aim of the exercise is to evaluate the readiness of Sarawak Energy's emergency and crisis response plan and its coordination with relevant authorities in the event of emergencies at the Batang Ai HEP.
The Batang Ai HEP is classified by the government as a National Key Point 2 facility.
Mohammad Haffizie Putit, director of MKN Sarawak, said continuous disaster management training involving all relevant agencies should be held to ensure readiness in facing potential emergencies.
"MKN conducts exercises like the ‘Ex Red Tilapia 2023’ drill regularly to prepare the country for potential emergencies.
"We are optimistic that the implementation of the ‘Ex Red Tilapia 2023’ drill will enhance the awareness and readiness of all ministries, departments, agencies as well as Sarawak Energy in handling various incidents and acting according to their respective emergency plans. This is to ensure the safety of their assets and neighbouring communities in the event of an unwanted incident," he said during the opening ceremony of the drill on 14 March.
Ir Bunyak Lunyong, Chief Executive Officer of SEB Power, Sarawak Energy’s generation subsidiary, said that exercises like the ‘Ex Red Tilapia 2023’ drill was important to evaluate the company’s emergency response plans.
“It is crucial that we understand how we can protect our facility in the unlikely event that any of the scenarios put forward in the exercise occur.”
“Whether it is a natural disaster, a dam break, a cybersecurity breach, or a terrorist attack, the ability to respond quickly and effectively is critical to minimising damage and ensuring the safety of all involved.”
“Sarawak Energy has an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) and this exercise will be used to evaluate our plan and also test our coordination level with relevant government bodies in the event of emergencies at Batang Ai,” he said in his welcoming remarks during the opening ceremony.
Shirin Jai Abdul Rashid, Sarawak Energy General Manager of Corporate Security said the ‘Ex Red Tilapia 2023’ drill allowed Sarawak Energy to test the readiness of response and coordination between government agencies and Sarawak Energy.
“Through the exercise, we are also able to examine the feedback given to improve Standard Operating Procedures in our operations to ensure the safety and well-being of our staff as well as the people of Sarawak and the sovereignty of the country.
“Sarawak Energy is committed to its Business Continuity Plan and safeguarding the Health, Safety, Security & Environment of our people, our assets and the people of Sarawak,” she said during the closing ceremony.
Closing the three-day exercise was Elvis Didit, Deputy Resident of Sri Aman, who was also a participant of the full-scale simulation drill.
In his closing speech, Elvis said such emergency response exercises need to be held at least once every three years to ensure all agencies are up to date with their emergency action plans and understand their roles if a threat or disaster were to occur.
“If a disaster were to hit Batang Ai, it is not solely a Sarawak Energy problem or a Lubok Antu problem. It becomes a national level concern because our critical asset is in danger and it is vital that all stakeholders team up to manage the problem,” said Elvis.
The first day of the drill involved a briefing by MKN Sarawak, led by its Assistant Director DSP Alif Haiqal Ramesh Abdullah, who is also the chief organiser of the exercise.
This was followed by a tabletop exercise, where participants underwent a run-through of the scenarios which was simulated in the full-scale drill the following day.
A post-mortem session was conducted on Day 3 to where participants reflected on the simulations, evaluated their performance, and drew insights for improving their respective standard operating procedures.
Ir Bunyak Lunyong, Chief Executive Officer of SEB Power, gave a welcoming speech during the opening ceremony of the ‘Ex Red Tilapia 2023’ drill at the Batang Ai hydroelectric plant.
In his opening speech, Mohammad Haffizie Putit, director of MKN Sarawak, said MKN regularly conducts exercises like the ‘Ex Red Tilapia 2023’ drill, to prepare the country for potential emergencies.
The first day of the drill involved a briefing session by MKN Sarawak, led by its Assistant Director DSP Alif Haiqal Ramesh Abdullah, who is also the chief organiser of the exercise.
Participants of the drill had to first undergo a tabletop exercise, where a run-through of the scenarios was practised before they were simulated in full-scale the following day.
Lubok Antu police chief DSP Victor Ripon (left) and Commanding Officer of the 10th Battalion of the General Operations Force Supt Yusif Baki Khan (right) in a discussion during the full-scale simulation of the ‘Ex Red Tilapia 2023’ drill.
Deputy Resident of Sri Aman Elvis Didit (right) chaired a mock Disaster Operations Control Centre (PKOB) meeting during the ‘Ex Red Tilapia 2023’ drill.
The Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM)’s Light Strike Force (LSF) controlling a mock public riot held outside the Batang Ai hydroelectric plant as part of the ‘Ex Red Tilapia 2023’ drill.
The General Operations Force (GOF)’s elite unit Tiger Platoon headed the operation to bring down the terrorist group during the ‘Ex Red Tilapia 2023’ mock exercise.
A HAZMAT (hazardous materials) unit from the Tabuan Jaya Fire and Rescue Department conducting a mock decontamination exercise at the Batang Ai hydroelectric plant during the ‘Ex Red Tilapia 2023’ drill.
The HAZMAT (hazardous materials) unit from the Fire and Rescue Department tending to victims during the ‘Ex Red Tilapia 2023’ exercise.
A mock press conference, chaired by Commanding Officer of the 10th Battalion of the General Operations Force Supt Yusif Baki Khan (right) and Sri Aman Deputy Resident Elvis Didit (center), was held to announce that the ‘Ex Red Tilapia’ operations have successfully ended.
Shirin Jai Abdul Rashid, Sarawak Energy General Manager of Corporate Security, gave a speech during the closing ceremony of the ‘Ex Red Tilapia 2023’ drill.
Elvis Didit, Deputy Resident of Sri Aman, officiated the closing ceremony of the ‘Ex Red Tilapia 2023’ drill. In his speech, he said such emergency response exercises need to be held at least once in three years, to ensure all agencies are up to mark with their emergency action plans if a threat or disaster were to occur.