Tanjung Kidurong Combined Cycle Power Plant’s New Power Blocks Prepare For Full Commissioning
29 AUGUST 2022
Sarawak Energy will conduct full capacity and performance testing on its newly commissioned Block 1 and 2 of Tanjung Kidurong Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP) in September 2022. The tests will be run in a fully controlled environment over selected days to test the respective blocks’ full capacity and performance.
The full capacity and performance testing will be carried out as follows:
1. Block 2 – Commences at 2.30pm on 1 Sep and ends at 3.00am on 11 Sep
2. Block 1 - Commences at 2.30pm on 19 Sep and ends at 3.00am on 29 Sep
The critical test phases which will run for a duration of one hour are scheduled at 2.30 pm on 1 Sept for Block 2 and at 2.30 pm on 19 Sept for Block 1 respectively.
The RM 3.1 billion expansion of Tanjung Kidurong CCPP began in Q4 2016 to replace the power station’s old open cycle turbines. Each block is designed to provide a total output of 421MW for an additional installed generation capacity of 842MW into the power system.
The blocks are part of Sarawak Energy’s ongoing efforts to build a modern power system that provides reliable electricity supply for Sarawak’s development and power its growth.
The new blocks utilise advanced gas turbine technology and are more efficient, generating higher output with lower emissions, and meet the growing demand of Sarawak’s organic customers as well as bulk customers at Samalaju Industrial Park.
As part of its normal procedures, Sarawak Energy is also informing the Ministry of Utility and Telecommunication, relevant agencies and the public.
While overall electricity supply is expected to be unaffected over the period of testing, Sarawak Energy’s generation, transmission and distribution teams are supporting the safe and smooth completion of the blocks’ testing.

Tanjung Kidurong Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP)

Datuk Haji Julaihi Haji Narawi, Minister for Utility and Telecommunication, flanked by Syed Mohamad Fauzi Shahab, Director of Electricity Supply (seated second from left); James Ung, Sarawak Energy Group Chief Operating Officer (seated fourth from left); Ir. Pramod Kumar Karunakaran, Sarawak Energy Executive Vice President for Project Delivery (seated fifth from left) along with the teams from Ministry of Utility and Telecommunication and Sarawak Energy after the briefing on the testing works for Tanjung Kidurong CCPP.