Sarawak Energy Recognises Contractors for Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Performance and Compliance
24 JUNE 2022
Sarawak Energy requires its contractors’ to be in full compliance with health, safety and environment (HSE) laws and regulations to deliver major projects with timely completion, cost discipline, and quality specifications.
This message was emphasised at today’s inaugural Sarawak Energy HSE Excellence Award where both events, the CECA & CTP - Contractor Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Compliance Award or CECA and Contractor Transformation Programme or CTP were merged in recognising contractors’ achievements.
To mark excellence in safety and environmental performance for 2021, the event saw eleven (11) projects awarded for CECA and thirty-four (34) contractors awarded for CTP.
Sarawak Energy’s Group Chief Executive Officer Datu Haji Sharbini Suhaili officiated at the event, accompanied by Senior Vice President for Health, Safety, Security, and Environment, Marconi Madai; and members of the senior management team.
In his speech, Datu Haji Sharbini commended the contractors for their commitment to meeting the government-mandated HSE requirements and thanked partner organisations who have contributed to Sarawak Energy’s HSE initiatives.
“Congratulations and well done to all the winners. A strong culture of HSSE Excellence and sustainable operations are key enablers for us to be able to achieve best-in-class in HSE. Contractors play an important role in contributing to this effort.”
He added, “Sarawak Energy has recorded 100% compliance with all relevant environmental regulations and legislation at our main power stations and project delivery sites since 2020. We are also maintaining the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) of less than one (1) for the organisation. We hope to replicate this success at all our facilities and by all our contractors.”
LTIFR refers to the number of lost time injuries occurring in a workplace per 1 million hours worked.
“With full compliance with HSE regulations and legislation, we can eliminate stop-work orders and notices that delays projects. We have worked closely with our contractors to ensure that all project and operation sites are complying with the HSE regulatory requirements and laws,” he explained.
In 2021, more projects showed improvement in overall HSE performance under the CECA and CTP assessments, which was reflected in their ratings with more contractors managing to elevate their HSE compliance performance and demonstrating their commitment towards continuous improvement.
For CECA and CTP 2021, contractors were assessed by Sarawak Energy’s internal assessors jointly and guided by experienced officers from the Natural Resources and Environment Board (NREB), the Department of Environment (DOE) Sarawak, and the Department of Occupational Safety & Health (DOSH).
Sarawak Energy introduced the CECA and CTP in 2017 to promote a culture of self-regulation in HSE compliance among its contractors while implementing the energy developers’ projects and operations. Contractors in Sarawak Energyare evaluated for various levels of compliance with statutory HSE requirements.
Marconi Madai, in his speech during the event, said, “The assessment standards of both awards have been elevated to include a set of comprehensive HSSE criteria. For CECA 2021, the criteria have been strengthened through engagement and workshops with NREB and DOE. For CTP 2021, the HSE Assurance checklist has been revised with four additional criteria including the HSE award and recognition received from other companies or agencies; LTI case; penalty received from NREB/ DOE/ DOSH, and fatality case.”
“These enhancements are vital to encourage our contractors to be more vigilantand ensure full compliance to HSE practices. In addition, it is instituting self-regulation to comply with relevant HSE laws and requirements when implementing Sarawak Energy’s projects. Thank you also to NREB, DOE Sarawak, and DOSH Sarawak for the guidance in making and implementing these improvements,” he added.
He stressed that lack of participation and commitment from the contractors in these programmes especially the CTP will affect the potential future contract award from Sarawak Energy.
Also in attendance at the awards were Director from Department of Occupational Safety & Health (DOSH) Sarawak, Ir. Dr. Nor Halim Bin Hasan; and representatives from Natural Resources and Environment Board (NREB) Sarawak and the Department of Environment (DOE) Sarawak.
For CECA 2021, one (1) contractor was awarded gold, four (4) silver, four (4) bronze and two (2) satisfactory ratings for successfully fulfilling the CECA assessment criteria. While for CTP 2021, eight (8) contractors were awarded gold, nineteen (19) silver, six (6) bronze and (1) certificate of participation.
CECA 2021 |
Gold Award (1) |
Silver Award (4) |
Bronze Award (4) |
Satisfactory Ratings (2) |
CTP 2021 |
Gold Award (8) |
Silver Award (19) |
Bronze Award (6) |
Participation Certificate (1) |

Marconi Madai, Sarawak Energy Senior Vice President for Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE), delivering his welcoming remarks at the Sarawak Energy HSE Excellence Award

Datu Haji Sharbini Suhaili, Sarawak Energy Group Chief Executive Officer, delivering his speech at the Sarawak Energy HSE Excellence Award

Ir. Robin Tigai, Sarawak Energy General Manager for Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) awarding the bronze award trophy to the recipient

Marconi awarding the silver award trophy to the silver category winners

Datu Sharbini (middle) giving out the Gold award trophy to the award recipients