Sarawak Energy Holds Majlis Berbuka Puasa in Kuching
Sarawak Energy today organised a Majlis Berbuka Puasa at Masjid Darul Hana to break fast in conjunction with the Muslim month of Ramadan, to foster closer relations and give back to those in need from the Kuching community.
The event returned after a two year hiatus due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Datu Haji Sharbini Suhaili, Sarawak Energy’s Group Chief Executive Officer, hosted the event with Sarawak’s Minister of Utility and Telecommunication, Datuk Haji Julaihi Haji Narawi, as the guest of honour.
They were joined by Sarawak Energy’s Senior Vice President for Contract and Procurement, Haji Sulaiman Abdul Hamid; Vice President for Distribution, Yusri Safri and members of the senior management team.
Also in attendance were Sarawak’s Director of Electricity Supply, Syed Mohamad Fauzi Shahab and representatives from Masjid Darul Islam, Masjid Pelabuhan, Masjid Darul Hana, Surau Raudzatusolihin, Surau Darul Salihin, Surau Hayatul Islam, Surau Al-Kornia, Surau Darul Islah, Baiturrahmah and Maahad Tahfiz Raudhatul Jannah as well as media representatives.
At the event, Datuk Julaihi and Datu Sharbini handed out contributions to the management committees of local suraus, charitable organisations and schools.
In his speech, Julaihi commended Sarawak Energy on its commitment and plans to keep the lights on for Sarawak, especially during the upcoming Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations.
“As we look forward to the upcoming Raya festivity to finally celebrating together with our loved ones and friends, I understand that Sarawak Energy’s technical teams along with its contractors will continue to remain on alert and be on 24-hour standby for quick restoration in the event of a supply interruption," he said.
In his earlier remark, Sharbini had provided assurance that the utility has put in place contingency measures to have supply restored to customers safely and in the fastest time possible should a supply interruption occur.
“We are taking the necessary steps putting in the manpower for this so that our customers who celebrate this occasion can do so with peace of mind. However, we do ask for the public’s cooperation to report to us immediately of any suspicious activities nearby the electrical facilities so together we can curb the dangerous crime of cable theft and vandalism which accounts for several of the outage cases.”

Sarawak’s Minister of Utility and Telecommunication, Datuk Haji Julaihi Haji Narawi delivers his speech as guest of honour at Majlis Berbuka Puasa Bersama Sarawak Energy in Kuching.

Sarawak Energy Group CEO, Datu Haji Sharbini Suhaili delivering his speech at the event.

Datuk Haji Julaihi (center) presents a contribution to one of the representatives at Majlis Berbuka Puasa Bersama Sarawak Energy in Kuching, while Datu Sharbini (second from left) looks on.

Majlis Berbuka Puasa Bersama Sarawak Energy was held at Masjid Darul Hana in Kuching.