Sarawak Energy Extends Go Paperless E-Bill Campaign to 2022
250 e-Bill Subscribers Win RM50 Cash Rebates Each Quarter
15 FEBRUARY 2022
Sarawak Energy is continuing its Go Paperless e-Bill Campaign in 2022 following encouraging support and positive response from customers. To date, about 90,000 customers have subscribed to the e-Bill service which offers greater convenience and removes reliance on monthly delivery of paper bills.
The campaign was first introduced in early 2021 as part of the utility’s digitalisation and environmental sustainability initiatives.
Throughout the campaign period in 2021, customers who subscribed to Sarawak Energy’s e-Bill service received a RM2 rebate in their monthly electricity bills for 12 months upon successful registration.
Successful subscribers were also automatically entered into quarterly lucky draws with 250 winners receiving RM50 electricity bill cash rebates each quarter. At the recently held 2021 Quarter 4 (Q4) Lucky Draw, 250 lucky winners were drawn, concluding the Paperless Campaign for 2021.
The list of winners is now available on Sarawak Energy’s website: https://www.sarawakenergy.com/media-info/announcements-publications/announcements-lucky-draw-winners-announcement.
Winners will also be notified via their e-Bill subscription registered e-mail address.
The lucky draw campaign will continue in 2022 where another 250 e-Bill subscribers stand the chance to win the RM50 cash rebate every quarter. For 2022, customers who have won in previous lucky draws will still be eligible to participate in the next round, as long as they remain subscribed to the e-Bill service and fulfil other eligibility conditions.
To subscribe to Sarawak Energy’s e-Bill service, customers may perform self-registration via the ‘SEB cares’ mobile application (available in App Store and Google Play) or fill in the registration form via www.sarawakenergy.com. They can also call 1-300-88-3111, email customercare@sarawakenergy.com, or approach the nearest Sarawak Energy’s customer service counters by providing their name, electricity contract account number, e-mail address and mobile phone number.
Upon successful registration, customers will receive their monthly electricity bill via their registered email addresses and will no longer receive physical bills. Similar to the incentive in 2021, they will also receive a RM2 rebate in their monthly electricity bills for 12 months, effective from the billing period after registration.

Sarawak Energy extends its e-Bill Lucky Draw Campaign until 31 December 2022. Subscribe to e-Bill today to enjoy RM2 rebate for 12 months and stand a chance to win cash rebates.