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Sarawak Energy Brings Program Jalinan Mesra Peribumi To Lubok Antu, Sri Aman
27 JULY 2022
Sarawak Energy has extended a holistic educational programme focusing on STEM subjects to the students and their parents and teachers of eight (8) primary schools at Lubok Antu, Sri Aman.
Following the programme’s success in schools at Kapit and Baleh since 2017, Sarawak Energy in collaboration with Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak (Pusat Kecemerlangan Peribumi Zon Sarawak) and the Lubok Antu District Education Office held the four-day programme recently at SK Lubok Antu.
Some 100 students from SK Lubok Antu, SK Batang Ai, SK Melaban, SK Nanga Delok, SK Nanga Kumpang, SK Nanga Tibu, SK Skarok and SK Ulu Engkari participated in a workshop that provided academic guidance on STEM and English subjects and motivational talks for parents and teachers on how they can effectively encourage the children to prioritise education and pursue higher learning.
During the closing ceremony at Rumah Machau Seman, Nanga Kumpang, Sarawak Energy’s General Manager for Corporate Social Responsibility, Jiwari Abdullah, said Sarawak Energy was pleased to resume this education programme after a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic.
“This programme has received positive feedbacks eversince it was organised previously at the schools in Kapit and Baleh and this year we chose to extend it to the schools here in Lubok Antu as our commitment to being a good corporate neighbour.
“Education and young people is one of the pillars that guides our social investment initiatives so we are only happy to come onboard and provide support in terms of academic guidance through the STEM learning approach that integrates the discipline of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, all of which prepares our new generation for a high-technology society of the future,” said Jiwari.
Echoing this, Dr. Chin Peng Yee, IPG Kampus Sarawak Deputy Director said it had been working closely with Sarawak Energy in the implementation of this educational enhancement programme over the years.
“This initiative is in line with Wave 2 of Malaysia’s Education Blueprint 2013 – 2025 where it was stated that there should be involvement and cross-cooperation between government, private sectors, and NGOs in promoting STEM subjects to the community.”
Meanwhile Vevien Mujah, Lubok Antu District’s Education Officer said the district’s education office appreciate programmes like this and hope the programme would expand to include more students in Lubok Antu.
Also present were David Gunda, Batang Ai HEP Station Manager; Ling Snelus Angking, Program Jalinan Mesra Peribumi Coordinator; Harold Wilson Api, SK Lubok Antu Headmaster as well as the community from neighbouring longhouses.
Sarawak Energy is amongst a number of corporate citizens who believe one of the most important ways of giving back is by supporting the educational needs of Sarawak’s academic talents. Among the initiatives are its scholarship awards programme through an annual educational commitment of RM8.8 million including education incentives as well as its brand signature programme, the Sarawak Community Innovation Engineering Competition Exhibition or SCIENCE which aims to encourage interest in field of STEM.

Jiwari Abdullah, Sarawak Energy General Manager for CSR presenting the programme’s certificate to a representative from one of the participating schools as from left Harold Wilson, SK Lubok Antu Headmaster; Vevien Mujah, Lubok Antu District’s Education Officer; Ling Snelus Angking, Penyelaras Program Jalinan Mesra Peribumi; David Gunda, Batang Ai HEP Station Manager; Machau Seman, Rumah Machau Headman and Dr. Chin Peng Yee, IPG Kampus Sarawak Deputy Director look on.
Some of the students and their teachers of the programme pose for a picture with their posters from the workshop.