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Ministry Of Utility and Telecommunication Sarawak and Sarawak Energy To Push Ahead On Electrification and System Reinforcement Projects
10 FEBRUARY 2022
Sarawak’s electrification and power supply system reinforcement projects continue to progress in the recovery phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Datuk Haji Julaihi Narawi, newly appointed Minister of Utility and Telecommunication (MUT) Sarawak attended a special briefing at Sarawak Energy today during which he was given an overview of the organisation’s current performance, challenges and ways forward as well as future outlook. He was joined by his deputies Datuk Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Junaidi, Assistant Minister (Utility), Datuk Liwan Lagang, Assistant Minister (Telecommunication), Dato Ir. Alice Jawan Empaling, MUT Permanent Secretary and Syed Mohamad Fauzi Shahab, Director of Electricity. The briefing serves as part of Datuk Julaihi’s series of work visits to the utilities he now oversees.
Datu Hj Sharbini Suhaili, Sarawak Energy Group Chief Executive Officer led the briefing which also covered corporate updates, regional ambition, project specifics on distribution reinforcement works and rural operations, rural electrification efforts and Bumiputera vendors participation among others. Also in attendance from Sarawak Energy were James Ung, Group Chief Operating Officer, Lau Kim Swee, SESCO CEO, Bunyak Lunyong, SEB Power CEO and Alexander Chin, Chief Financial Officer along with the senior management team members.
“I am pleased to note that significant investments continue to be made by Sarawak Energy to modernise Sarawak’s power system. I am positive that with the full completion of the 500KV second backbone and the reinforcement projects taking place in cities and major towns to cater to the current and future demand created by growth and development in all districts, Sarawakians will enjoy even greater reliability of electricity supply and access,” said Datuk Julaihi.
Investments in further modernising and reinforcing Sarawak’s power system have resulted in Sarawak Energy’s overall SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index) to improve by 70% since 2016 recording less than 100 minutes of interrupted supply experienced by a customer This is in line with MUT’s strategic plan to progress projects and reinforcement works to further strengthen the state’s electricity supply system.
In Sarawak’s rural areas with accessibility and remote interior with off-grid settlements, electrification efforts comprise a mix of innovative grid and off-grid strategies to achieve full coverage for the state by 2025 with rural electrification now at 96.5% from just 87% in 2016 and 56% in 2009.
The presentation also focused on localised supply disruption concerns, with a discussion on main causes and the mitigation plans. The session deliberated on the constraints affecting timely delivery of Sarawak Energy projects and how to overcome the challenges
Datuk Julaihi was also briefed on the status and efforts to raise the level of Bumiputera vendor participation in Sarawak Energy’s projects.
As part of the familiarisation visit, Datuk Julaihi was shown the State Despatch Centre through which electricity is despatched across Sarawak through a fully digitalised system, allowing for quick restoration in an interruption.
Sarawak Energy is working to close gaps and deliver critical project packages which were delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as wayleave issues among others. The energy developer and utility provider is also investing significantly in system reinforcements so all Sarawakians can enjoy access to reliable and affordable power supply.
Sarawak Energy aims to transform into a digital utility by 2025 in line with Sarawak’s Digital Economy agenda and the state-owned utility and energy developer continues to leverage on technology to bridge any gaps in performance delivery.

Datuk Haji Julaihi Narawi, Minister of Utility and Telecommunication Sarawak flanked by Datuk Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Junaidi, Assistant Minister (Utility) and Datuk Liwan Lagang, Assistant Minister (Telecommunication) in the briefing at Sarawak Energy.

The briefing at Sarawak Energy featured an overview of the organisation’s current performance, challenges and ways forward as well as future outlook.

Datuk Haji Julaihi Narawi, Minister of Utility and Telecommunication Sarawak at a press conference after the briefing.

Datuk Haji Julaihi Narawi, Minister of Utility and Telecommunication (MUT) Sarawak, Datuk Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Junaidi, Assistant Minister (Utility), Datuk Liwan Lagang, Assistant Minister (Telecommunication), Dato Ir. Alice Jawan Empaling, MUT Permanent Secretary and Syed Mohamad Fauzi Shahab, Director of Electricity in a group photo with team Sarawak Energy.