Faulty Substation Equipment at Semariang Substation Causes Loss Of Supply
25 JUNE 2022
Customers in Kuching’s Semariang and Santubong areas experienced loss of electricity supply today as a result of faulty equipment at the Semariang 33kV substation and an underground cable fault.
Sarawak Energy’s technical team was able to restore supply to most areas by 11 am, with the remaining areas progressively restored via mobile gensets and alternative supply circuits from nearby substations.
Due to the extensive repair works required at the Semariang 33kV substation, supply to the remaining areas is expected be restored by tonight, 25 June.
“We apologise for the inconvenience caused and are working towards restoring supply to as many affected customers as possible as we continue repair works of the Samariang substation and progress fault location work on the underground cable,” said Choo Min Chong, Sarawak Energy Regional Manager for Western Region.
The utility is investigating the cause of the faults.
Customers can stay updated via the ‘SEB cares’ mobile application (available in App Store and Google Play) or call 1-300-88-3111 or follow the company on Twitter at @1SarawakEnergy or on Facebook at Sarawak Energy Berhad.

Restoration and repair works in progress