Another House Owner Caught Stealing Electricity Via Underground Bypass Cable
19 AUGUST 2022
The owner of a double-storey terrace house at Jalan Datuk Mohd Musa, Kuching was caught stealing electricity in a joint operation by Sarawak Energy, the Ministry of Utility and Telecommunication (MUT) and the Police.
The offence, done through underground direct tapping, was detected by the team following an earlier case found at a light industrial location at Rock Road.
After observing abnormal meter readings at the premises during one of Sarawak Energy’s routine meter inspections, the team proceeded to secure a court warrant for further inspection on suspicions of electricity theft.
At the time of the operation, the technical team uncovered direct tapping cables hidden inside a wall behind the autogate control box which bypassed the electricity meter.
It is estimated that the recorded electricity consumption of the owner’s monthly electricity bill was 50 % less every month against actual consumption.
The direct tapping cables were seized as evidence and a police report has been lodged for this case.
The owner who was present to witness the entire raid will be called for investigations.
Sarawak Energy warns that tampering with wires to under-record electricity consumption is illegal and dangerous as the wiring system does not comply with the safety standards and requirements. In worst case scenarios, it may cause electrocutions, buildings catching fire and outages in surrounding areas.
To curb this issue, the electricity provider continues to work closely with MUT and the Police to track down individuals who are involved in this unlawful activity.
Those caught stealing electricity will be charged under Section 33(5) of the Electricity Ordinance. Guilty parties may be penalised up to RM100,000 and/or five years jail.
Members of the public should not trust service providers claiming to be able to reduce electricity use or allow owners to enjoy unlimited usage of electricity through meter tampering.
Sarawak Energy’s meter inspection technicians are well equipped and trained to detect various electricity theft methods, including tampered meters, fake electricity meter covers, underground direct tapping and smart meter indications, as part of Sarawak Energy’s efforts to curb power theft.
Landlords are also strongly advised to conduct background checks on potential tenants and be alert of their activities to avoid being implicated in electricity theft crimes committed at the rented premises.
Those with information on power theft activities and service providers claiming to be able to reduce electricity consumption may contact Sarawak Energy’s customer care centre at 1300-88-3111 or email at customercare@sarawakenergy.com. Sarawak Energy assures that all information will be kept strictly confidential.

Residential property at Jalan Datuk Mohd Musa where the direct tapping took place

Direct tapping cables hidden inside gate pillar of the house