Sarawak Energy to Conduct Maintenance Work at Engkilili Extra High Voltage Substation
19 JULY 2021
Sarawak Energy will be carrying out urgent maintenance works to one of its two 275/33kV transformers at the Engkilili EHV Substation from 22 to 31 July 2021. Over this period, one of the two 275/33kV transformers will be de-energised. Our technical teams will strive to complete the repair work as soon as possible without causing supply interruption to customers.
During the shutdown, as a precautionary measure, technical teams and mobile generators will be dispatched to strategic locations on standby to speed up supply restoration if needed.
Sarawak Energy also urges those whose buildings and facilities with standby generator installed to ensure these are ready to run if required.
Members of the public are advised to contact Sarawak Energy Customer Care Centre at 1300-88-3111, email at customercare@sarawakenergy.com
or utilise Sarawak Energy mobile app “SEB cares” which can be downloaded from Google Play Store as well as the iOS’ App Store, for any inquiries or to obtain the latest updates of the connecting works and to report any outages to assist in speedy restoration of electricity supply.

Engkilili 275/33 kV Extra High Voltage (EHV) Transformer No.1.

Oil leaking found in one of the transformer.