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Sarawak Energy Temporarily Suspends Meter Reading And Bill Delivery Services During The Movement Control Order In Central Sarawak
Customers in Areas Under MCO to Receive Electricity Bills Based on Estimation
Sarawak Energy has temporarily suspended all meter reading and bill delivery services in Sibu, Dalat, Kanowit and Kapit in view of the Movement Control Order (MCO) to help curb the spread of COVID-19. During this period, Sarawak Energy will calculate the customer's electricity consumption based on the estimation of their consumption history.
The utility company strongly encourages customers to subscribe to e-Bill services so that they can receive their electricity bills via e-mail or through "SEB cares" mobile application.
For accurate meter readings during the MCO, customers may forward photos of their electricity meters with the readings to Sarawak Energy's Customer Care Centre or through the SEB cares" mobile application under the "Make a Report" feature.
To avoid the accumulation of bills leading to large outstanding amounts, customers are encouraged to pay their bills based on their monthly consumption. Payment of bills can be made via "SEB cares" and other platforms such as online banking, JomPay as well as e-wallets like Sarawak Pay and Boost.
Sarawak Energy introduces its e-Bill services as part of its 'Go Paperless' campaign to promote environmental sustainability.
Customers signing up for the e-Bill services from 1 January to 31 December 2021 will receive a RM2 rebate in their monthly electricity bills for a period of 12 months. The rebate shall be reflected in the next billing upon registration, and customers will no longer receive physical bills.
Subscription to the e-Bill services ensures that customers receive electricity bills on time even when meter reading and bill delivery services are unavailable. Customers are only required to provide their name, registered contract account number, e-mail address and mobile phone number upon registration.
Registration for e-Bill services can be done by visiting Sarawak Energy operating customer service centres, self-registration via "SEB cares" mobile application, and calling the 24/7 Customer Care Centre hotline at 1-300-88-3111, or via website www.sarawakenergy.com.
For more information, customers can contact the Customer Care Centre or e-mail to customercare@sarawakenergy.com. Alternatively, customers can also get in touch through Sarawak Energy's mobile app SEB cares, which can be downloaded via Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Customers are strongly encouraged to sign-up for Sarawak Energy’s e-Bill services. Those subscribing for e-Bill services will receive a RM2 rebate in their electricity bills for 12 months.