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Sarawak Energy Safely Secures Dug Up Electrical Cables
17 DECEMBER 2021
Sarawak Energy has secured the site of the dug up electrical cables nearby Lucky Tower residential area in Bintulu to ensure the safety of the public.
Following a report that the cables were exposed during drainage works currently being done in the area, the technical team has temporarily cordoned the site and placed markers to notify the working contractors of the cables’ route.
Syarikat SESCO Berhad, the operations arm of Sarawak Energy, have completed relocating the first circuit to make way for drainage improvement works in the area and will be relocating the second circuit next week. Relocation work for these cables is expected to be completed by 28 December. The contractor has been informed on the presence and dangers of the underground cables near the project site.
Jabu Ngumbang, Sarawak Energy’s Regional Manager for Bintulu said, “The relocation of the second circuit was pending payment from the agency carrying out the drainage works but given the safety concerns arising from these dug up supply cables, we are proceeding with the relocation works beforehand to clear the site and have the cables relocated accordingly.
“We apologise for any inconvenience caused and appreciate the safety alerts received regarding the matter. We constantly appeal and continue to build the awareness among all third-party contractors to check the cable route with us before carrying out excavation works to ensure their safety and also of their workers. This is also to avoid damaging the underground cables resulting in unnecessary supply interruptions.”
Contractors may contact Sarawak Energy's 24/7 Call Centre at 1300-88-3111 or email customercare@sarawakenergy.com to find out on the cable routes and notify on works nearby electrical infrastructure that may require Sarawak Energy's technical advice.