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Sarawak Energy Customers to Receive Electricity Bill Discounts from January to June 2021
24 JANUARY 2021
Sarawak Energy will extend the electricity discounts under the “Pakej Bantuan Perlindungan Ekonomi & Rakyat Malaysia (PERMAI) “ and “Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang 5.0” as announced by the Federal and State Governments respectively.
The discount will be reflected in the electricity bills from 25 January onwards following the announcements of the new assistance packages. Customers who have been billed for their electricity consumption prior to 25 January will have their discounts for that period reflected in their electricity bills by March.
Under Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang 5.0, about 640,000 customers from domestic, commercial and industrial sectors will receive a five to 25 percent discount on their electricity bills from 1 January to 30 June 2021. The discount will cost the State Government approximately RM166.2 million.
Six commercial sectors have been identified to receive a 15 percent discount for their electricity consumption from 1 January until 31 March 2021. These are hotel operators, theme parks, convention centres, shopping malls, local airline offices and travel and tour agencies. Of the 15 percent, 10 percent is provided under the Federal Government's Pakej Bantuan Permai and five percent provided under Sarawak Government’s Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang 5.0 package.
Although the Federal subsidy for these sectors ends in March, the Sarawak Government will ensure these sectors will continue to have 15 percent discount by topping up the additional 10 percent subsidy from April to June 2021.
Sarawak Energy has assembled a dedicated task force working round the clock to normalise bills to ensure that every customer from the eligible categories receive their discounts accordingly.
For more information, customers may contact Sarawak Energy's 24/7 Customer Care Centre at 1300-88-3111 or email to customercare@sarawakenergy.com. Alternatively, customers can get in touch through Sarawak Energy’s mobile app SEB cares, which can be downloaded via Google Play Store and Apple App Store.