Sarawak Energy Customer Service Counter at Permy Jaya, Miri Closed for Sanitisation and Fumigation
11 JANUARY 2021
Sarawak Energy’s customer service counter at Permy Jaya in Miri has closed with immediate effect until Friday, 15 January 2021 as a safety precaution after one of its staff was identified as a close contact to a COVID-19 positive case today.
The closure of the service counter at Permy Jaya is to allow for sanitisation and fumigation to break any potential chains of transmission. Other staff who have been in contact with the above mentioned staff will also go for the swab test and enter self-quarantine to ensure containment and the safety of their families and household.
Others will operate either from home or from alternative worksites that have been set up as part of Sarawak Energy’s business continuity preparedness.
Sarawak Energy’s emergency response and crisis management teams have been in session since February 2020 to manage and coordinate the situation and will continue to cooperate with and assist the authorities with contact tracing.
As an immediate precautionary response to cases of COVID-19, be it suspected or confirmed, Sarawak Energy will;
• Immediately secure and close its premises for cleaning and sanitisation
• Have all staff who are considered close contact go for the COVID-19 test and enter self-quarantine
• Activate its business continuity preparedness to ensure there is minimal disruption to operations and services
Customers in Miri can opt to go to Sarawak Energy’s service counters at UTC Miri or use the available online services via calling our Customer Care Centre at 1300 88 3111, emailing to customercare@sarawakenergy.com or through Sarawak Energy’s mobile application ‘SEB cares’ which can be downloaded via Google Play Store or Apple App Store or via https://sebcares.sarawakenergy.com.my.
Sarawak Energy has been and will continue to comply with all directives issued by the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) and has stringent in-house Standard Operating Procedures incorporating highly prudent precautionary measures to help reduce the potential spread of the infection and ensure the wellbeing and safety of our staff, contract workers and their families.