Owner Of Double-Storey House At Jalan Stapok Found Stealing Electricity
18 MAY 2021
The owner of a double-storey house at Jalan Stapok was caught stealing electricity during a meter inspection operation recently, when the inspection team discovered hidden wires behind the meter cut-out fuses.
This tampering method is common and Sarawak Energy’s meter inspection team is professionally trained and equipped with the necessary tools to detect this method. The illegally connected cables taps electricity directly from the mains to the premises, bypassing the meter. This results in the electricity consumption not being registered at all.
In addition to electricity consumption not being read at all, tampered wirings can still be energised even after supply to the premises is disconnected. This poses electrocution risk to electricians working on internal home wirings or fire-fighters in the event of a fire incident.
The meter and illegal wirings were dismantled and seized as evidence, and the customer will be called in for a statement to assist in the investigation. A police report has been lodged based on the case findings at the scene.
Unregistered electricity consumption is regarded as stealing electricity in Sarawak - a criminal offence under Section 33(5) of the Electricity Ordinance, which carries a penalty of up to RM100,000 and/or five years’ jail if found guilty. Unsafe wiring connections pose a serious safety risk due to the potential threat of electrical fire and electrocution.
Customers are also strongly reminded not to offer a bribe to Sarawak Energy’s staff to cover up power theft activities. Sarawak Energy will not hesitate to report such cases to MACC and other relevant authorities for further action. The public should report to the authorities any Sarawak Energy employee requesting for a bribe to cover up power theft activities for customers.
Sarawak Energy’s continued efforts to instil ethical behaviour in its employees in line with the company's Code of Ethics include constant reminders to embed respect and integrity in their interactions with customers in the course of their duties.
Customers are also reminded not to trust service providers claiming to be able to reduce electricity bills or allow premises owners to enjoy limitless electricity through meter tampering as meter inspection teams are trained to detect tampered meters, including fake electricity meter covers, as part of Sarawak Energy's efforts to curb power theft.
Sarawak Energy appreciates the support from members of the public and encourages reporting of power theft information, including details of power theft service providers via Sarawak Energy’s customer care centre at 1300-88-3111 or email at customercare@sarawakenergy.com. All information obtained will be kept strictly confidential.

Tampered wirings bypassing the meter

Tampered wirings hidden behind the meter to avoid detection.