National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme: Sarawak Energy Prepared for Technical Support
1 MARCH 2021
Sarawak Energy is focused on providing the necessary support to the authorities handling the roll out of the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme in Sarawak.
Its utility arm, Syarikat SESCO Berhad, remains in close communication with the Ministry of Health (MoH) regarding the need to ensure reliable supply for cold storage of the vaccines at 60 health facilities throughout Sarawak.
Most of the facilities are equipped with backup generator sets whereas for the ones without, technical teams are placed on 24-hour standby for deployment of technical support and quick restoration in the event of a supply interruption. Technical support coordination at the various regions will be handled by the respective Regional Managers.
“Sarawak Energy is well aware of the technical support required from us to ensure the smooth rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine. We have placed great emphasis in preparing for this, and taken proactive steps in regard to communicating with the relevant authorities to ensure that our team is ready for fast deployment during any eventualities,” said Lau Kim Swee, Chief Executive Officer for SESCO.
He said a dedicated communication channel which includes two hotline numbers to Sarawak Energy Customer Care Centres had also been set up between the health authority and the operations team of SESCO for fast alert notification.
In addition, the operations team have also proactively engaged with the private hospitals for similar technical support.
The team's proactive preliminary preparation includes undertaking the necessary maintenance work to ensure all equipment is operating with efficiency and closely monitoring the supply system’s operations.
In the meantime, all third-party contractors are urged to contact Sarawak Energy before starting excavation works to avoid damaging underground cables causing supply interruptions which may also affect nearby health facilities and storage centres.
“Contractors must check on cable routes and not assume the location or depth of the underground cables. This will also ensure the safety of the contractors and their workers. Let’s work together to avoid unnecessary supply interruptions particularly at a crucial time like this,” said Lau.
Contractors can contact Sarawak Energy's 24/7 Call Centre at 1300-88-3111 or email customercare@sarawakenergy.com to notify on works near electrical infrastructure requiring Sarawak Energy's technical advice.
Sarawak Energy has been and will continue to comply with all directives issued by the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) and continues to work closely with the relevant authorities to ensure the successful rollout of the vaccine’s immunisation programme for the wellbeing and safety of the people in Sarawak.