Sarawak Energy Committed to Zero-Corruption in Conducting Business
14 AUGUST 2020
Sarawak Energy is committed towards a corruption-free environment by continuing to embed integrity into its organisational culture by creating awareness through programmes, processes and initiatives and formulating policy. Each employee is bound by its Code of Ethics which serves as a guide on what constitutes good conduct.
As part of the continuing campaign, the corporation organised an e-session on Governance and Compliance recently to raise awareness on the importance of upholding good corporate governance practices with specially invited guest speaker Tuan Chang Ching, Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Sarawak’s Deputy Director of Prevention.
Sarawak Energy Group Chief Executive Officer, Datu Haji Sharbini Suhaili delivered the keynote address at the virtual event.
Also in attendance were Sarawak Energy Chairman Datuk Amar Abdul Hamed Sepawi, Sarawak Energy Board Member Dato Sri Fong Joo Chong; Sarawak Energy Senior Vice President for Legal and Enterprise Risk, Nooruddin Liew Abdullah as well as members of the senior management team and more than 200 of the corporation’s employees.
At the event, Chang shared updates on corruption and corporate liability under the new Section 17A of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Act 2009 (Amendment 2018) that came into force on 1 June 2020 which now imposes liability on businesses for any misconduct by persons related to the same business.
Datu Sharbini emphasised the importance of strong corporate governance in response to the legal requirement for greater transparency and the demand for higher standards of behaviour from businesses and their employees.
“As a company entrusted with the responsibility to power the growth of Sarawak and its people, we must conduct our business with the highest level of integrity.”
He continued, “At Sarawak Energy, we have made it very clear that there is no room for non-compliance with our Code of Ethics. Anyone found guilty of misconduct will face disciplinary consequences.”
The energy developer and power utility holds trainings for employees to create awareness and enhance their understanding of the new Malaysian anti-corruption laws and how to prevent bribery in the workplace. This is part of inculcating integrity firmly into the organisational behaviour under the corporation's core values: Courage, Unity, Respect, Integrity and Accountability.
Earlier this year, Sarawak Energy launched a group-wide campaign for all-staff to sign an integrity pledge to ensure awareness on the importance of integrity as a core value, reaching a success rate of 100percent with all employees signing their commitment.
The energy developer and power utility launched Sarawak Energy’s Zero Tolerance to Fraud Campaign in 2017 during which the Fraud Risk Management Framework and Fraud Control Policy was rolled out.
The Corporation also put in place a Whistleblower Policy to further strengthen its corporate governance towards zero-corruption at the workplace.

Sarawak Energy Group Chief Executive Officer, Datu Haji Sharbini Suhaili

Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Sarawak’s Deputy Director of Prevention, Tuan Chang Ching.

FILE PHOTO: Menara Sarawak Energy