Sarawak Energy to Introduce Smart Meters at Kampung Gita Mini Carnival
Carnival also offers Retail services & fun activities with special appearances by local celebrities
KUCHING, 15 APRIL 2019, MONDAY: Sarawak Energy will be organising its inaugural Mini Carnival to introduce Smart Meters at Kampung Gita to launch its Smart Meters Pilot Project in Kuching. The Mini Carnival will be held at Dewan Masyarakat Kampung Gita from 9am to 5pm this Saturday.
The carnival aims to inform the community on the pilot project taking place in their neighbourhood and to share information regarding the project so that the community understands the benefits of smart meters as well as the meter installation process and its implementation. Members of the public, especially those from Kampung Gita, are invited to attend to get first-hand information on smart meters and its benefits.
Under the pilot project, Kampung Gita has been identified as the pioneer implementation area with 1,700 meters to be installed with smart meters starting from May. This will be followed by Tabuan Jaya Baru/Tabuan Laru and Jalan Kempas, with a target of 6,000 smart meters installed by the end of the year.
Smart meters are meters equipped with advanced metering features for more efficient electricity supply monitoring and reading.
Advantages include:
- Remote meter reading – meter readers are no longer required to physically go to customers’ premises
- Billing will be actual and prompt, doing away with estimated meter readings
- Customers will be empowered and can monitor their own electricity consumption through SEB cares mobile application to manage their electricity usage for more efficiency.
- Immediate and direct outage alerts ensure customers are informed for faster restoration by Sarawak Energy.
Earlier this month, the first engagement on the Pilot Project was made with Gita community leaders and Tupong Assemblyman YB Fazzrudin Abdul Rahman to brief them and to get their feedback and support to ensure smooth implementation of the project.
The engagement received positive feedback and the community leaders will be working together with Sarawak Energy in the organising of the Mini Carnival.
Aside from the smart meter booth, Sarawak Energy will also promote its retail services which includes SEB cares mobile app, Customer Care Centre and customer support services other than public safety awareness exhibition as part of its continuous engagement and educational programmes.
The Mini Carnival also offers fun activities including a colouring contest for kids between 4 and 8 years old, a play area and prizes for lucky draws and quizzes as well as mystery gifts for smart meter survey participants.
All day entertainment includes famous singer/comedian/emcee Iwan Haji Dasri and a special appearance by YouTube comedian sensation Makcik Bawang Cempiyennn (MBC) in the afternoon. Sarawak Energy will also feature its very own talents.

Photos from the first engagement on Smart Meter Pilot Project with YB Fazzrudin and Kpg Gita Community Leaders on 3 April 2019.