Sarawak Energy Supports Educational Programme For Primary Schools in Lubok Antu
LUBOK ANTU, 10 MAY, 2019, FRIDAY: Sarawak Energy organised a three-day motivational and educational workshop for 60 students from five primary schools in Lubok Antu district recently, in collaboration with Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA)-APAN and Lubok Antu District Education Office.
Targeted at Primary 6 pupils sitting for the Ujian Peperiksaan Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) this year, the motivational programme- Program Motivasi Serta Kecemerlangan UPSR, also focused on proper techniques for answering examination questions.
The programme was held at Batang Ai HEP Station and attended by pupils from SK Nanga Delok, SK Nanga Menyebat, SK Ulu Engkari, Sk Nanga Tibu and SK Ulu Lemanak.
Batang Ai Power Generation Station Manager Cheling Sapong thanked SADIA-APAN and the Education Office for organising the programme, which could further instill greater awareness on the importance of education among the rural pupils.
“We believe that our neighbouring communities should benefit from our presence, and by supporting education initiatives, we can work towards building a positive legacy for the good of future generations of Lubok Antu communities. We will continue to work closely with the community here on the direction of our future programmes based on the feedback received,” Cheling said at the closing of the programme.
Facilitated by Andrew Paul, who is also the SADIA Krian branch chairman, the programme modules included Learning, Problem & Intervention; Psychology; Neuroscience and Study Smart.
Andrew said SADIA-Apan aimed at sharing the challenges and best practices in learning education such as SQR3 (Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review) and other learning techniques which are all research-based and have been proven to be effective in helping students to learn.
“We would like to thank Sarawak Energy for partnering with us, and truly believe that this programme will benefit the students as they prepare to sit for their UPSR. We also hope that parents involved will be able to learn a thing or two on the importance of education for their children,” Andrew added.
Lubok Antu District Education Office representative Tubau Limbai also thanked Sarawak Energy for organising the programme and hoped more such programmes be organised in future for all the schools in Lubok Antu.
Also present for the closing of programme were SEB EOSH Safety Officer Fabian Wilson Jana, SEB Corporate Social Responsibility Executive, Aubrey Jawa Alexander and headmasters from the five participating schools.

Pupils registering for the programme.

Andrew (far right) has all the pupils’ attention in one of the sessions.

Pupils, facilitator, Sarawak Energy staff and the Headmasters.