Sarawak Energy Hosts Buka Puasa Event
KUCHING, 21 MAY 2019, TUESDAY: About 30 residents of Rumah Seri Kenangan and 56 children from Rumah Amal Nur Murni joined management and staff of Sarawak Energy at a Majlis Berbuka Puasa event today, along with some 300 guests from the government and corporate sectors, the media and other stakeholders in the annual event.
Sarawak Energy Group Chief Executive Officer, Datu Sharbini Suhaili and wife Datin Norasmah Kassim hosted the event which included performances from the corporation’s in-house talents.
The gathering also served as an opportunity to give back to less fortunate members of the community. The guests from Rumah Seri Kenangan and Rumah Amal Nur Murni received new clothing as well as ‘Duit Raya’ in preparation for the upcoming festivity. Both welfare homes also received donations.
Speaking at the event, Sharbini said, “Sarawak Energy advocates inclusiveness, celebrates diversity and embraces the different cultures of our multidisciplinary workforce of about 5,000.”
“We organise Bersungkei Bersama Sarawak Energy annually to foster a closer working relationship with our stakeholders while also giving back to the community. Gatherings such as this build on our relationships and fosters even closer rapport.”
Similar events will be held in Miri with Lawas being the final venue over the coming weekend.

Sarawak Energy Group Chief Executive Officer, Datu Sharbini Suhaili delivering his address at the event.

Datu Sharbini Suhaili (4th from left) is joined by members of Sarawak Energy's Group Executive Committee, giving out 'Duit Raya' to the residents of Rumah Amal Nur Murni.

Residents from Rumah Seri Kenangan receiving "Duit Raya" from Datu Sharbini Suhaili (centre)