Sarawak Energy Extends CSR Eye Vision Outreach to Balingian
KUCHING, 25 APRIL 2019, THURSDAY: About 39 residents from 20 longhouses located along Jalan Bukut in Balingian will undergo visual rehabilitation for cataracts, in a programme coordinated by Sarawak Energy with volunteers from Mukah Hospital.
The mobile team of volunteers carried out the preliminary screenings, held to assess residents who are suffering from visual impairment, on about 130 residents at 20 longhouses over two days from 13 April. The 39 residents were identified as having signs of cataracts and were referred for detailed examination in July.
Carrying on from the success of its first corporate social responsibility Eye Vision Programme for Better Living in the Rural Community, for Kapit and Baleh in 2017 which saw 86 individuals benefiting from the initiative, Sarawak Energy also conducted similar preliminary eye screenings in Sungai Asap and Murum in March this year
"Cataracts diminish the quality of life and general functional living activities, and mainly affects more advanced age groups. This programme, which aims to aid visual improvement of our neighbouring communities, is a worthy social investment," commented Sarawak Energy General Manager for Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, Jiwari Abdullah.
“Cataract surgery is becoming more accessible and we are pleased to be able to extend this programme to the communities in Balingian. Under this programme, the residents do not have to pay anything, and this can come as a relief for those who cannot afford treatments,” he added.
The CSR Eye Vision Programme for Better Living in the Rural Community was awarded Gold under Best Community Programme category at the 10th Annual Global CSR Awards held in Lombok, Indonesia last year. The programme saw the energy developer working in collaboration with the Ophthalmology Department of Sarawak, Klinik Katarak Malaysia and hospitals. By going to the community, the outreach programme shortens waiting time for those requiring the operation.

Balingian Station Manager Haji Daniel Sahari (seated centre) posing for a group photo with the medical team, community leaders from Rumah Jeffrey, Sarawak Energy team, volunteers and some of the residents who will undergo the cataract operation in July.

Optometrist Mohamad Noorhisyam bin Saperi from Mukah Hospital conducting preliminary screening on former headman Madak Ingka (left).

Optometrist Mohamad Noorhisyam Saperi examining Medan Anggan’s eyes.

A longhouse resident (right) listening to the examination procedure before going for the eye screening.