“Look Out For Each Other” Sarawak Energy 2019 HSE Week
15 OCTOBER 2019
Sarawak Energy once again renewed its commitment to safety as its top priority during its annual Corporate Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Week with the annual recurring theme “Raising Standards, Nurturing Culture and Saving Lives”.
Held at Tanjung Kidurong Power Station in Bintulu, the 2019 edition saw more than 360 attendees including the Group’s senior management and staff as well contractors and partner agencies.
During his speech at the launch, Group CEO Datu Haji Sharbini Suhaili re-emphasised the importance of looking out for each other and to intervene when there are unsafe acts or situations.
“Sarawak Energy is a growing organisation with over 5000 staff with thousands more contractors working with us on our project sites, operations and offices throughout Sarawak. By making safety our top priority, we are helping to ensure nobody will get hurt while working for us,” he said.
“Together, we will make Sarawak Energy a safe place to work so that everybody goes home safely,” he added emphasising that leadership; system and structure; competency and culture and behaviour were key elements of HSE excellence.
“If we only have 5 minutes with our stakeholders, the only topic to discuss is safety,” he concluded.
The launch event also saw the awarding of safety pledges to representatives of power stations in Sarawak, exhibition booths, and games related to first aid practices, fire-fighting activities, environment and permit to work activities.
Sarawak Energy safety mascot BOLT was also in attendance. BOLT is an abbreviation for the safety advice to “Be aware, Open your mind, Look at your surroundings, and Take care of yourself and your co-workers”.
In pursuing HSE excellence, Sarawak Energy has implemented a stringent HSE Management Systems and Environmental Management System. Following this, the statistics for work-related incidents in Sarawak Energy have decreased by 43% since 2016 with 16 cases recorded in 2018 and 9 cases charted by August this year. Up to August, Sarawak Energy recorded 5 Lost Time Injury (LTI) cases with a Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) of 0.238 injuries per million manhours.
At the event, Sharbini congratulated Sarawak Energy operating units that won Malaysian Society of Occupational Safety and Health (MSOSH) awards. The awards are presented annually to companies with outstanding occupational safety & health practices. Sarawak Energy received five Gold Class I and 2 Silver Awards at this year’s ceremony. Notable achievements included 6th time honours for Limbang Power Station and its 2nd consecutive Gold Class II while Batang Ai HEP earned its second Gold Class II award. -ENDS
Datu Haji Sharbini Suhaili (5th from left) launching Sarawak Energy’s HSE Week while members of the Group’s senior management team look on.
More than 360 people attended the launch of Sarawak Energy’s HSE Week that was held at Tanjung Kindurong Power Station in Bintulu.
Datu Haji Sharbini delivering his speech at the launch of Sarawak Energy’s HSE Week.