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Intermittent Interruptions At Parts Of Sibujaya Due To Faulty Switchgear At Sibu Airport 33/11kv Substation
SIBU, 13 JULY 2019, SATURDAY – Faulty equipment at the 33/11kV Sibu Airport substation forced Sarawak Energy to carry out emergency shutdown to the substation on Friday morning, causing intermittent supply interruptions to parts of Sibujaya.
Whilst repair works are still ongoing at the substation, Sarawak Energy is managing Sibujaya load through load transfer to other substation and at the same time reinforcing the supply to Sibujaya substation.
“Last night, as immediate measure, we despatched our 500kVA mobile genset to Sibujaya to support the evening load increase and fully restored the supply to Sibujaya. Today, works are ongoing to further reinforce and normalise the supply to Sibujaya," said Sarawak Energy Central Region Regional Manager Nazry Abdul Latip.
According to Nazry, the equipment fault at Sibu Airport substation was detected at around 8pm on Thursday night, and emergency shutdown was done at 130am on Friday to avoid further damage.
"Rest assured that we are doing all we can to deliver reliable supply to our customers. We regret the inconveniences caused due to the equipment fault and thank our customers for their patience," added Nazry.

Flashover at the 33kV switchgear busbar interrupts supply at the Airport Substation.

Flashover marks on the busbar

Repair works in progress