Media Statement
Sarawak Energy has launched an investigation into the report that one of our sub-contractors working on a sub-station Project in Miri was found to have employed foreign workers without valid work permits.
We wish to reiterate that we strongly condemn the hiring of illegal workers by any contractor or sub-contractor, and will not hesitate to take strong action if necessary.
Following the recent discovery, we also wish to re-iterate our Company position that only workers with valid documents can enter our work sites. We will continue to work closely with the contractors to ensure that this requirement is strictly complied with.
Our Contract and Procurement Policy requires all contractors to comply with the laws and regulations of the State and country, including ensuring all foreign workers have valid work permits. The details of Labour Engagement and Work Permit requirements have been addressed and specified in the Contract Document between Sarawak Energy and the respective contractors. The main contractor will in turn cascade and apply the same requirement to their sub-contractors.