Illegal Protests Delaying Crucial Miri Electricity Supply Project & Maintenance Work
KUCHING, 21 JUNE 2018, THURSDAY: The smooth running of the Miri Town 33/11kV Substation which has been in operation for over 30 years, is critical for reliability of power supply to the people in the city’s central business district and its surrounding areas.
However, businesses and homes in Sarawak's second largest city are at risk of inadequate power supply as land claimants are obstructing entry into the substation for crucial operations and maintenance work.
The Sarawak Energy team is currently unable to carry out work as the land claimants have illegally padlocked the substation gates. Denying the maintenance crew access into the existing substation affects the safe functioning of the substation and increases the risk of supply outage to the people of Miri, potentially affecting the substation’s performance especially during festive occasions when higher peak loads are anticipated.
Although it is understood that the claims are not targeted at Sarawak Energy, police reports have been lodged by the corporation’s operations and retail arm Syarikat SESCO Berhad (SESCO) with a third police report filed last week against the illegal obstruction to the substation
The unlawful obstruction has also halted construction work for the new Miri Town 33kV Indoor Substation, an extension of the current substation and a crucial component of the overall supply network reinforcement works for Mirians, leading to delays and cost over-runs.
The new extension is part of Sarawak Energy’s RM1billion investment in the Miri Power Supply Reinforcement Plan to upgrade supply system to meet rapid expansion and rising electricity demand of the people of Miri.
Individuals and organisation should express their point of view in a lawful manner so as not to jeopardise the smooth running of electricity works, inconveniencing the general public.
Blockades and threats raise safety and security issues for employees and contractors whose mission is to provide affordable, reliable electricity for the people of Sarawak.