The Chief Minister of Sarawak's Media Statement on today's press conference on Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Research and press release
Thank you for joining us this afternoon. I would like to share with you an important milestone in our journey to develop a hydrogen economy for the state.
As Sarawak pursues sustainable development to achieve high income status by 2030, technological innovation will play a major role in realising this vision.
The State Government, under my direction, is forming a Research Council to oversee various sectors including technology.
• One primary area of focus will be in energy related areas such as alternative energy potential, electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cells research.
• Sarawak Energy has been entrusted to spearhead this starting with research in hydrogen fuel cell application in the state.
As such, I am pleased to announce that Sarawak Energy is setting up a team to do this. Sarawak Energy’s research in hydrogen and fuel cells shall form an integral part of the government’s new emphasis to develop the state, leveraging on research and development towards reaching our vision 2030 goals. The findings and recommendations from this study will be shared with the Research Council. This will guide us in further decision making in regards to the adoption of hydrogen and fuel cell technology. With abundant clean hydroelectric power resources, Sarawak provides an ideal setting for enabling the hydrogen economy.
• We are taking pioneering steps to explore the commercial and public application of hydrogen and fuel cell technology with this study.
• It is hoped that hydrogen could be the primary fuel of choice for areas such as the transportation sector and energy storage as the technology matures and becomes commercially attractive in the future. Sarawak aspires to transform the public transportation sector with clean and green technologies.
• Hydrogen and fuel cell technology is known to be clean since water is the only by-product in the process of producing electricity.
• If we are successful in applying this technology particularly in the transportation sector, we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuel and lower our carbon footprint so that our people will be able to enjoy modern and efficient public transportation with minimal impact on the environment.
• This will also contribute to Malaysia’s commitment towards reducing CO2 emission intensity by 45% by 2030.
• Hydrogen and fuel cells technology can be a critical element in helping to realise this ambitious target.
• Sarawak can play a pivotal role in developing these technologies that will alter the energy utilisation landscape in the country and propel our economy forward.
In looking forward, if this is successful, this development will benefit not just the state but open up potential opportunities for Sarawak to export to global markets.
I would like to state my appreciation to Sarawak Energy for taking up this challenge and the first step in assisting the State in this endeavour.
Thank you.
The Chief Minister of Sarawak Datuk Patinggi (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari Bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg announced that Sarawak Energy will spearhead a feasibility study on hydrogen and fuel cell applications in the state.
A Research Council is being formed by the State Government to oversee research into various sectors including energy related technologies such as alternative energy potential, electric vehicles, and hydrogen and fuel cells research.
“Sarawak Energy has been entrusted to spearhead energy related research starting with a feasibility study in hydrogen and fuel cells application in the state,” Abang Zohari told a press conference today at Menara Sarawak Energy.
“Sarawak Energy’s research in hydrogen and fuel cells shall form an integral part of the government’s new emphasis to develop the state leveraging on research and development towards reaching the Vision 2030 goals,” he said.
“With abundant clean hydroelectric power resources, Sarawak provides an ideal setting for enabling the hydrogen economy in the state,” he said.
“Sarawak aspires to transform the public transportation sector with clean and green technologies. We can play a pivotal role in developing these technologies that will alter the energy utilisation landscape in the country and propel our economy forward,” said Abang Zohari.
Also present wereDato Sri Dr Stephen Rundi Utom, Minister for Utilities Sarawak and Datuk Amar Tan Sri Morshidi Abdul Ghani, Sarawak State Secretary.
Representing Sarawak Energy were its Chairman Datuk Amar Abdul Hamed Sepawi, Group Chief Executive Officer Sharbini Suhaili and the corporation’s board members and senior management team.
Adding on, Abdul Hamed said, “Through the progress of the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy, our generation mix today is predominantly sustainable, renewable and affordable hydropower that has contributed to Sarawak’s current progress.”
The outcome of feasibility study will guide Sarawak’s next steps on the application of hydrogen and fuel cells in the state.
If this is successful, this development will benefit not just the state but open up potential opportunities for Sarawak to export to global markets.
Hydrogen and fuel cells technology can be a critical element in helping to realise Malaysia’s ambitious target and commitment towards reducing CO2 emission intensity by 45% by 2030.