Vandalism Cause of Street Lighting Malfunctions in Kuala Baram, Miri
MIRI, 23rd NOVEMBER 2016, WEDNESDAY: Vandalism and cable theft have been identified to be the cause of street lighting malfunctions in Kuala Baram, Miri. Over 100 street lighting columns are malfunctioning, posing a safety risk to road users at night.
The thieves not only stole the cables, they also caused structural damage to the transformer installed affecting street lighting columns in the Kuala Baram area.
Vandalism has been an ongoing problem in Kuala Baram. Since 2015 Sarawak Energy has spent almost RM500, 000 in repair and mitigation costs for that area alone. As mitigation measures, Sarawak Energy has converted the copper underground cable to aluminium and at the same time converting some underground cables to overhead lines.
To ensure public safety, Sarawak Energy urges members of the public to report any suspicious activities or incidents of malfunctioning street lighting so that immediate remedial action can be taken.
Sarawak Energy is working closely with local authorities to prevent further inconvenience to the people.
Sarawak Energy can be contacted via its Customer Care Centre at 1300-88-3111. Incidents can also be logged into Sarawak Energy’s “SEB Cares” Mobile App, available for download at Apple’s App Store for iOS and Google’s Play Store for Android.