Sarawak Energy's Sports Club Supports Mount Singai Gotong Royong
KUCHING, 6th OCTOBER 2016, THURSDAY: Members of Sarawak Energy’s Sports Club participated in the Gotong Royong Mount Singai (GRMS) programme jointly organised by Sarawak Energy Sports Club and Association of Research & Development Movement of Singai Sarawak (REDEEMS). The event, held on 1st October, was graced by the President of REDEEMS, Datuk Peter Nansian anak Ngusie.
About 300 club members joined the central committee members of REDEEMS, community leaders, the people of Singai and other volunteers in the drive to promote cleanliness and conserve the Mount Singai area.
In the event, the group worked together to improve the track to the top of Mount Singai with ropes, signboards, directional signs and notices to keep the mountain track clean and preserve the environment for the enjoyment of all, as one of the tourist attraction areas.
In his speech, Datuk Peter expressed his appreciation to all parties that took part in the programme.
“Thank you to Sarawak Energy through its Sports Club for supporting us in this event. I hope more associations and organisations will come forward to support us in this meaningful course,” he said. ENDS