Sarawak Energy Organises Talk On Hydropower
Talk to highlight the multiple initiatives that will make for a sustainable hydropower development
KUCHING, 17th OCTOBER 2016, MONDAY: Sarawak Energy and Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus will jointly organise a talk focusing on the multiple perspectives of hydropower and the initiatives that provides for a hydropower project’s sustainable development this Oct 20.
An initiative of the corporation’s Research and Development Department, the talk entitled “Global Perspectives of Hydropower” will start at 7.30pm at Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus featuring Dr Helen Locher, an independent consultant who has extensive professional experience in researching and managing social and environmental issues associated with hydropower development. The talk is open to all and is free of charge.
With the rising need to meet the energy demand of the world’s growing population, water remains one of the major available renewable energy sources to provide reliable power supply for various countries across the globe.
As such, Dr Locher’s talk will focus on the many perspectives of hydropower which comprises the environment, people, biodiversity, economics and governance. She will also share on how multiple initiatives can be implemented to ensure hydropower development can co-exist with the community and nature in a sustainable manner.
Dr Locher worked for Hydro Tasmania for 18 years where she previously held various top posts. She was also the coordinator of the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Forum between 2008 and 2010 which saw the development of the 2010 Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol. The protocol is a framework to assess sustainability at all stages of project implementation and is a consistent, globally-applicable methodology.