Sarawak Energy Launches Safety Passport Programme With NIOSH - Promotes work safety amongst its contractors
KUCHING, 26 AUGUST 2016, FRIDAY: Sarawak Energy and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for the implementation of a Safety Passport Programme designed to promote work safety amongst its contractors.
The initiative is part of a suite of programmes to build up the safety culture of Sarawak Energy's contractors, to complement the utility's corporate policies, procedures and processes already in place.
The safety passport training programme specifically targets contractor staff to ensure they receive competency and authorisation certification on two levels: - level one is mainly for new contractors and level two is a refresher course for current contractors. Modules include ‘Best Practices at the Workplace’, Hazards and Risk Control’ and ‘Preventive and Protective Measure'.
The two organisations formalised the agreement on Friday at Menara Sarawak Energy with Datuk Torstein Dale Sjotveit, Group Chief Executive Officer and Hjh Siti Aisah Adenan, Vice President for People and Leadership Development signing for the utility.
Signing for NIOSH were Haji Zahrim Osman, Executive Director and Mohamad Anizan Mohammed Amin, Sarawak Regional Manager.
Also present at the signing were Lu Yew Hung (卢友云), Sarawak Energy Executive Vice President and SESCO Chief Executive Officer, Marconi Madai, General Manager of Corporate Risk and HSE and Benjamin Lim, Manager for Corporate Talent and Leadership Development.
“We want our contractors to have strong safety and health knowledge and skills so they can work safely for Sarawak Energy. We are already working on improving our interactions with our contractors with more joint meetings and discussions to understand their constraints and issues pertaining to safety matters. We hope this will make our workplace safety culture even stronger," said Torstein during the signing at Menara Sarawak Energy.
Adding on Zahrim said; “We do not want accidents to happen. We need to put into action the safety rules and guidelines that are already in place and create a culture of making safety at the workplace a priority. We are happy to assist Sarawak Energy in its effort to create a safe working environment for its employees and contractors,” he said.
Later, Torstein presented CDs on safety practices at a workplace to Sarawak Energy’s power station managers and personnel.
Sarawak Energy’s other initiatives on safety includes its HSE Orientation Programme which features a range of safety aspects important in daily operations, the annual Corporate Safety Week which alternates between locations, focusing on employee hearts and minds for safety, community outreach safety programmes done in collaboration with the Fire Department and a series of publicity campaigns to raise awareness on electrical safety hazards.
Promotes work Safety Amongst Its Contractors