Sarawak Energy Group CEO Receives Award For Entrepreneurial Excellence
KUALA LUMPUR, 1st SEPTEMBER 2016, THURSDAY: Sarawak Energy Group Chief Executive Officer Datuk Torstein Dale Sjotveit was awarded the prestigious Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards (APEA) for the Energy Sector Category, held in Kuala Lumpur on 26th August 2016. He was one of two recipients in this category.
The award recognises Torstein’s strategic and dynamic leadership in spearheading Sarawak Energy’s transformation from a traditional utility to a modern and agile energy development corporation; with strong financial and operational performance and business expansion beyond Sarawak's borders.
The award was presented by Malaysia’s International Trade and Industry Minister II Dato Seri Ong Ka Chuan.
Under Torstein’s leadership, Sarawak Energy has recorded a tremendous growth in staff strength from 2,300 in 2009 to 4,500 today; a reduction in electricity tariffs for industrial, commercial and residential customers to the lowest tariffs in Malaysia and also one of the lowest in the ASEAN region; and takes an active approach on the management of social and environmental aspects of its projects and operations, gearing towards sustainable development.
Sarawak Energy commenced power export to Indonesian West Kalimantan in January this year and is developing plans for further interconnection projects with Brunei and Sabah to advance the concept of the ASEAN Power Grid.
The utility has also been tapped by Indonesia’s Northern Province of Kalimantan (KALTARA) for strategic advice and technical expertise in the development of its power sector.
Torstein received the award alongside other prominent business leaders who have distinguished themselves across various sectors including Professional and Business Services, Telecommunication and ICT, Transportation and Logistics and Healthcare and Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology.
Organised by independent NGO Enterprise Asia, it is supported by prominent industry and government leaders throughout Asia Pacific. The awards honour business leaders for their outstanding leadership qualities. Criteria include business prowess in leading their companies forward, achieving positive growth annually while maintaining and communicating a clear vision, mission and direction for the future of the business.
Commenting on the award, Torstein said; “It is a real honour to receive such a distinguished award, which I share with my team in Sarawak Energy. It has been a challenging but worthwhile journey for us in Sarawak Energy to have achieved the significant milestones in supporting the State Government’s development agenda. I hope this is something that all Sarawakians can be proud off.”