Power Outage At Parts Of Gita And Matang Due To Damaged Underground Cable At Concrete Drainage Works Site
Supply to Affected Areas Restored using Mobile Generator Set
KUCHING, 13 NOVEMBER 2016, SUNDAY: Power outage from a damaged cable affecting parts of Gita and Matang was restored by midday today, after SESCO deployed a mobile generator set to minimise interruption time to customers.
Syarikat SESCO Berhad (SESCO) traced the cause of the outage which occurred in the early hours of the morning to a damaged cable at Lorong Bunga Akasia. The cable is suspected to have been damaged by concrete drainage works taking place along the cable route.
The damaged cable caused outage to customers staying around Jalan Bunga Akasia, Laruh Skim, Jalan Alamanda, Taman Kandis, Jalan Bunga Melati and Mile 2 Jalan Matang.
The faulty portion of the cable is already cast inside the concrete drain making it impossible to recover.
The technical team is replacing the whole stretch by laying a 140 meter length of new cable. The cable laying will take some time and work is expected to complete by 12 midnight, if weather permits.
Sarawak Energy would like to remind contractors to check by calling its Customer Care Centre at 1300-88-3111 in case there are high voltage cables underground the vicinity of the work site before proceeding. This is for safety reasons and to avoid unnecessary power interruptions that will cause inconvenience to customers.