Sarawak Energy granted three General Prospecting Licences (GPL) for coal exploration in Balingian
KUCHING, 10th August 2015: The State Government has decided to award three General Prospecting Licences (GPL) to Sarawak Energy, to explore for coal in the Balingian area.
The will ensure reliability of supply to the new 600MW Balingian Coal-Fired Power Plant, currently under construction and due for completion in 2017/2018. This plant requires 3.2 million tonnes of coal per year (almost 100 million tonnes for the next 30 years).
If they are successful in prospecting (exploring) for coal, Sarawak Energy can later apply for the Mining Lease in the said area.
The Balingian Coal Fired Plant is the first coal-fired plant in Malaysia to be built with Circulating Fluidized Bed(CFB ) boiler, the latest in clean technology. This will allow a reduction in the plant's environmental foot print. Balingian is a mine-mouth plant, built at a strategically located area to reduce logistic costs for transportation of the coal.
The plant will facilitate the power generation growth of Sarawak Energy which currently comprises 75% hydro and 25% thermal, to supply both SCORE and domestic customers in the State. By 2020, the generation mix is projected to be of 60% hydro, 20% coal and 20% gas.
Other companies issued with GPL and Mining Leases at the adjacent areas include Sarawak Coal Resources.
Statement from:
YB Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah Bin Ali Hasan
Minister of Resource Planning and Environment II
Minister of Public Utilities and Minister of Industrial Development Sarawak