Sarawak Energy Assists Murum Villages Affected By Strong Winds
KUCHING, 12th AUGUST 2015, WEDNESDAY: Sarawak Energy extended a helping hand to two Penan villages at Metalun Resettlement Area in Murum hit by strong winds.
The Saturday evening incident damaged the roofing of a longhouse block at Long Luar and a chapel at Long Tangau. Sarawak Energy’s team from its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) department were on site at the time of the incident to carry out a gotong-royong project as part of their normal scheduled activities with the community, and were able to provide immediate assistance.
To-date, a contractor has already been engaged by Sarawak Energy to carry out immediate repair works to the damaged roofs caused by strong wind.
Jiwari Abdullah, Sarawak Energy's head of the CSR department said; “We are thankful that no one was hurt in the incident and were happy to be able to provide immediate assistance to the villagers.”
Sarawak Energy routinely runs community projects in partnership with the Murum community and likeminded organisations, with the most recent being the launch of a tagang system in collaboration with the Sarawak Forestry.
Sarawak Energy through its CSR initiatives have continuously provided support and assistance to the resettled communities, focusing on education and sustainable livelihood such as entrepreneurial skills development. The company also supports Penan artisans in their craft making and buying from these communities handicrafts that they produced for corporate gifts.
Currently children from both Tegulang and Metalun resettlements attend primary schools that were set up by Sarawak Energy with the Department of Education while over 300 adults previously unable to read now display basic reading, writing and arithmetic skills through the company’s flagship Murum Penan Literacy Programme.