Statement From Sarawak Energy's COO On Miri Power Interruptions
I wish to extend my sincere apologies to the people in Miri for the power outages the residents have experienced in the past one week.
I would like to reassure that our team is working round the clock to rectify the situation as our short term measure and at the same time continue with our long term efforts in upgrading the current system to cater for the present and future growth of the city.
The intermittent interruptions were due to load shedding that needed to be done resulted by a cable fault that occurred at the Miri Bypass Road. Our team worked tirelessly to locate the fault and had back-up team sent from Bintulu to assist. We located the faulty cable at 7:50am this morning and repair works are currently on-going.
This unfortunate incident has affected the supply for southern parts of Miri, Bekenu, Niah Town and the whole of Marudi. I hope the people in Miri will understand that the on-going upgrading works are to solve this problem, but it has to be done in phases to limit interruptions.
Sarawak Energy is optimistic that once the upgrading efforts are complete, Miri will be able to enjoy better supply. For the time being, please bear with us as we are committed to provide better services to the people.
With this, I wish to share the upgrading works that are in the pipeline covering our facilities and infrastructures in Tudan, Eastwood, Lambir, Permyjaya, Lutong, Senadin, Krokop and Taman Tunku. Sarawak Energy is investing a sum of more than RM400 million for this.
The works are for:
1. Tudan-Eastwood-Miri Airport 132 kV double circuit transmission Line
2. Miri Tudan 275kV Substation reconstruction
3. Lambir 275/33kV substation
4. Eastwood 132/33kV substation
5. Permyjaya 33/11kV Substation:
6. New Tudan 33kV Substation:
7. Upgrading Lutong substation 33/11KV transformers
8. Lutong 200MW Power Station
9. Senadin 33/11kV S/S
10.Yakin 33/11kV S/S
11.Taman Tunku 33/11kV S/S
12. 2 circuits of 33KV cable from Pujut 33KV Sub to Lutong 33KV Sub.
13. Additional 1 circuits of 33KV cable from Pujut 33KV Sub to Town 33KV Sub.
The current works at the Tudan-Eastwood-Miri double circuit transmission line could actually resolve the problems of the recent power outages.
To facilitate public enquiries by our customers, Sarawak Energy is setting up a second Call Centre in Miri to complement the existing Customer Care Centre in Kuching to be operational by end of the year. When the second call centre is in place, we will have a maximum of 16 Customer Care Executives on duty to cater for calls, emails, SMS and fax from the whole of Sarawak on customer service enquiries and technical service enquiries.
Again, I wish to humbly apologise for the inconvenience caused to the people in Miri and wish to reassure that solving this problem is our top priority.
Yours sincerely,
Chief Operating Officer
Sarawak Energy Berhad