Sarawak Energy Dismisses Misleading Claim Of Bribery
Kuching, Sarawak, 6th January 2014: Sarawak Energy categorically refutes the allegations made by the individuals and a few online media that the company is bribing the indigenous community in Baram to support the development of the Baram HEP project.
According to Sarawak Energy's Spokesperson, “the donations made by us to the JKKK/ Churches in the communities in conjunction with Christmas and New Year were in response to the requests made by the communities in the area during one of the discussions we had with them and in a letter dated 28 of November 2013. Sarawak Energy takes great exceptions to these accusations. We are aware that such allegations are usually made with malice intention by people who have their own political agenda or to further the individual’s or the related NGO's cause.”
Sarawak Energy has been in constant communication with the communities in Baram and in addition, the Social and Environmental Impact Study has been conducted for the project in compliance with the requirement of the State. By engaging with the effected community, our intention is to inform and give a clear picture to the communities on the on-going study and the proposed implementation of the project. Throughout the engagement process, Sarawak Energy will assess the assistance required by the communities that we engaged with. Our engagements with the people have always been professional and ethical and it is frustrating to note that this good intention has been misconceived by a small group of people orchestrated by the anti dam NGOs who have been instigating the people with these lies in order to propel their own agenda.
“Our mission is not only to look after the welfare of the people that are affected by our project, but also to ensure that the communities will benefit from the development in line with the State's objectives. There have been irresponsible online reports that have twisted a lot of facts to spice up their stories and to lure more readers with their sensational news. We urged readers to check these facts from our official releases and the information available on our website. As a responsible organization, Sarawak Energy will continue to engage with the communities affected by its project with the view of developing a long term relationship with these communities in order to ensure the sustainability of the projects and also Sarawak Energy's presence in the area.”