Online Gambling Premises & Salons Found Rampant in Meter Tampering
KUCHING, 14 December 2012 – SESCO launched its third statewide meter inspection operation this year for two weeks starting from end of last month. The operation comprised of 32 meter inspection teams supported by Sarawak Energy Berhad's auxiliary police and the local police. The operation covered Kuching, Sibu, Bintulu, Miri and other small towns in the region. The result of operation shows that 20% of total meters inspected were found tampered, which is considered a high rate of tampering.
In Sibu, the technical teams found many hair salons tampered with their meters. Hair salons consume high electricity because of the hairdryers and hair treatment equipment. Some hair salons have re-tampering history and they are in Sesco “blacklist”. Their electricity consumptions are closely monitored every month and site inspections were triggered when the consumptions found to be abnormal. Police report has been lodged for these re-tampered cases and investigation officers have been appointed to investigate on these cases. The premises owners will be called for interview and to assist in the investigation. Offenders will be prosecuted in court. In Bintulu, the teams also targeted illegal online gambling casinos in the operation. As online gambling centres are rampant in Sarawak, Sesco has identified such premises and monitor their electricity consumption. In this operation, Police Department has provided assistance to Sesco in carrying out the meter inspection at site. In many cases, these premises do not have a registered account with SESCO, and connects the supply illegally without Sesco meters. These illegal online gambling premises are fully equipped with air-conditioners and computers which are turned on 24 hours a day. This makes the operators more tempted to tamper with SESCO meter to reduce the electricity bill.
With the festive season round the corner, SESCO spokesperson reminds the public not to be tempted to tamper their meters in order to have lower monthly electricity bill. Past records show that as the festive season approaching, there will be an increase in meter tampering rate. SESCO is keeping a close eye on all the “high risk” customers including factories, entertainment outlets, bakeries, restaurants and cold storage.
SESCO appreciates the public for their concern and effort to report power theft. Public can continue to report power theft related information through 082-443535. SESCO would like to reiterate that stealing electricity is a dangerous crime and punishable under section 33(5) of the Electricity Ordinance and punishable with a fine up to RM100,000 or imprisonment of five years or both.

Police provide assistance in meter inspection operation at online gambling center in Bintulu

Meter inspection at another online gambling centre in Bintulu