Close Power Theft Monitoring at Premier 101 Commercial Centre, Kuching
KUCHING, 25 October 2012– SESCO conducts its third round of meter inspection at Premier 101 commercial area this year after detected abnormal electricity consumption usage pattern at this area. The operation comprised of 10 SESCO technical teams and support from the police. In the operation, 20% of total meters inspected have been found tampered with. SESCO caught a few reflexology centre retampered their meters. This is considered high as SESCO had visited Premier 101 commercial centre for the third time this year.
According to SESCO spokesperson, the reflexology centre was stealing electricity via direct tapping, and concealed the illegal cables in the walls. SESCO technical teams had to break the wall to access to the illegal cables. This is the second time that the reflexology centre has tampered the meter and SESCO treats this seriously. The tampered meter was replaced and all evidences have been seized for prosecution in court purposes. Police report has also been lodged for further investigation. SESCO spokesperson also emphasized that all entertainment outlets such as health and reflexology centres, cybercafés, pubs and bistros are under close monitoring of SESCO. Their monthly electricity consumption will be analyzed and any drop in consumption will trigger meter inspection at site. Among other areas identified packed with entertainment outlets are Travillion Commercial Centre, Jalan Sekama, Stutong New Commercial Centre and Jalan Song commercial centre. Each of the entertainment outlets have been listed and under close monitoring of SESCO.
The inspection team also detected various types of meter tampering such as illegal direct tapping to bypass the meter and disturbed the seals to adjust the meter. One premise was also found to directly connect the electricity supply without the meter. The illegal connection was not properly done and exposed to public. This is extremely dangerous as the direct connection is located at the staircase and impose safety hazards to the public passing by.
SESCO appreciates the public for their concern and effort to report power theft. Public can continue to report power theft related information through 082-443535. SESCO would like to reiterate that stealing electricity is a dangerous crime and punishable under section 33(5) of the Electricity Ordinance and punishable with a fine up to RM100,000 or imprisonment of five years or both.

SESCO technical teams had to break the wall to access to the illegal cables used to bypass meter

Arrow showing the direct tapping at the mains wiring without being registered by meter

Illegal and dangerous illegal connection without meter