Electricity Tariffs in Sarawak
Sarawak Energy offers the lowest unsubsidised tariffs in Malaysia and amongst the most competitive in the Southeast Asia region for organic residential, industrial and commercial customers averaging 28 sen/kWh for its 700,000 account holders.
We also offer globally competitive tariff or pricing structures for bulk power industrial customers.
This is due to the success of the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy or SCORE in powering Sarawak’s economic growth through hydro-industrialisation.
SCORE is a State-driven development strategy that harnesses Sarawak’s abundant hydropower potential to provide affordable, renewable and reliable energy while maintaining indigenous coal and gas for security and diversity.
Power Purchase Agreements for Bulk or New Customers
Sarawak is the ideal destination for energy intensive industries like new smelters or mineral processing plants and has attracted aluminium smelters, steel, ferroalloy etc into dedicated industrial parks with infrastructure amenities and accessible port facilities.
Our bulk power customers are powering their businesses with our reliable and predominantly renewable generation mix at internationally competitive rates.
Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) offered by Sarawak Energy for new customers:
- Available for loads greater than 5 MW;
- Available for a long-term commitment of minimum 10 to 20 years;
- Long term pricing – to ensure energy price security and allow customers to lock in energy prices for up to 20 years;
- Secure Long Term Power Supply Security (Availability guarantees)
The Sarawak Government and the Federal Government also offer various incentives to investors who are interested to invest in Sarawak. Applications can be made to relevant authority for eligibility.
If you are interested to know more, please contact our business development team:
Nicholas Chong
Senior Manager II, Business Development
Email: HaiFung.Chong@sarawakenergy.com