Environment & Social Performance
At Sarawak Energy, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) is a shared responsibility, and we strive to create a safe, secure, and positive workplace. We are dedicated to fostering a best-in-class HSSE culture to support business delivery, continuous growth, and value protection, while maintaining our social license to operate.
Safety is our top priority, and it is mandatory for all employees and contractors to adhere to Sarawak Energy’s Life-Saving Rules, policies, and procedures. Together, we aim to ensure that everyone returns home safely.
To uphold safety, we focus on achieving these four elements:
- Leadership - Demonstrating high-level commitment and leadership through exemplary conduct
- System and structure - Implementing a comprehensive system and tools to ensure full adherence at all levels of the organisation
- Competency - Ensuring all critical activities are carried out by competent personnel
- Culture and behaviours - Encouraging individuals to take initiative and genuinely prioritise safety
We are also nurturing a generative Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) culture within Sarawak Energy through the HSE Culture, focusing on three core behaviours - Assess, Comply and Empower (ACE).
Over the years, we have witnessed significant progress in our pursuit of HSE excellence.
Safety Performance

Environmental Performance

Other parameters are conducted and included in the full Environmental Performance Report