At Sarawak Energy, safety is our top priority and a shared responsibility. Guided by our principle 'Everybody Goes Home Safely’, we are committed to creating a safe work environment.
To achieve best-in-class and sustainable Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE) performance, we focus on five value drivers, geared towards cultural transformation.

We are committed to achieving the following vision:

HSSE Policies
Our HSSE policies are established to enable business delivery, drive continuous growth, protect value and maintain our social licence to operate.
- Occupational Safety and Health Policy: To provide safe and healthy working conditions by preventing work-related injuries and health issues.
- Environmental Policy: To protect the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems, including pollution prevention.
- Security Policy: To provide a safe and secure working environment.

HSSE Management Systems
To build an effective organisational structure, management system and integrated governance for HSSE, we introduced two key management systems:
HSE Management System (HSEMS): The HSEMS manual outlines a structured approach to achieving our HSE goals and managing risks while meeting objectives and targets.
Security Management System (SeMS): SeMS is an essential component of our physical security strategy, enhancing resilience and providing policies, standards, and guidelines for managing security risks.

Sarawak Energy HSSE Culture
The Sarawak Energy HSSE Culture was revised in 2024 to integrate essential security elements, strengthening our holistic approach to HSSE.
The objectives of the HSSE Culture are as follows:
- To develop an understanding of the HSSE Culture within Sarawak Energy.
- To assess Sarawak Energy's HSSE Culture maturity following the implementation of various HSSE initiatives.
- To provide a clear view of both the current and desired HSSE Culture.
- To identify gaps in the HSSE Culture and develop plans to drive cultural improvement.

Sarawak Energy Life-Saving Rules (LSR)
The Sarawak Energy Life-Saving Rules are a set of mandatory safety guidelines for our employees and contractors. These 11 simple rules are designed to help us achieve our goals of zero Lost Time Injuries (LTI) and zero workplace fatalities.

Sarawak Energy Security Golden Rules (SGR)
The Sarawak Energy Security Golden Rules are nine key rules that outline the security protocols for entering, exiting, and remaining on Sarawak Energy premises.

We are committed to making Sarawak Energy a safe, healthy, secure, and great place to work. For more information on HSSE, please contact us at corporatehsse@sarawakenergy.com.